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Why Browser War 2.0 Will Heat Up in 2007

The coding part is done and it is now all about the marketing

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Building a Fish Eye Menu

Alexei White has written a post on Building a Fish Eye Menu in which he goes over iterations of his development of a fish eye component

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ArsTechnica- A first look at Firefox 3.0

A one page preview of the latest developments and features in Firefox 3.

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Virtual Pagination script

This script lets you transform long content on your page into a series of virtual pages, browseable via pagination links.

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Forget WYSIWYG editors - use WYSIWYM instead

There are few WYSIWYG editors that can create fully semantic and accessible markup

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Coming Soon: Three New Fonts

Three new fonts from Mark Simonson inspired by the hand-lettered titles in 1940s films

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Reducing the pain of adopting a JavaScript library

Developers don't need more JavaScript libraries, we need better quality JavaScript libraries

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New CSS Gallery categories

Three new CSS gallery categories added to better organize things around here. They are:
-Corporate/ Professional
-Unconventional Designs
-Our Favorites

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